Friday Fiction – The Mistress

Apparently today is ‘Frazzled Friday‘ – the day we all realise we’ve had enough of Christmas, relatives, sprouts, and seasonal cheer. We’re supposed to spend the day lounging around on the sofa, chasing that last Turkish Delight round the box (and sending up clouds of icing sugar), watching utter rubbish on the telly, and moaning about our expanding waistlines. Well, I’m up for the lounging around on the sofa bit, but first (and more importantly), it’s time for Friday Fictioneers!

For those who don’t know, this is a challenge to write a 100 word story from a picture prompt. It’s hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, and anyone can play. Thanks for hosting, Rochelle!

Here’s the picture:

Copyright Jean L. Hays
Copyright Jean L. Hays

And here’s my tiny tale:

The Mistress

I saw her through the café window and I couldn’t resist. I knew you’d be angry, but I’d been good for so long.

‘What’s the harm?’ I thought.

We sat at a table. We reminisced. I held her and she was warm and beautiful.

‘I miss you,’ I whispered. And people looked.

I had to have her. I puckered up and made my move. She tasted divine on my lips. But even as I took that first forbidden sip, I knew you had found me.

Oh, cruel Mistress Migraine, purveyor of pain, when will you let me drink coffee again?

(100 words)

Click the blue frog to read more stories from other fictioneers.

44 thoughts on “Friday Fiction – The Mistress

  1. Dear El,
    First I must comment on your introduction. Thanks for putting Friday Fictioneers at the top of your list. As I write my living room is littered with toddler toys. My son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter go back to California tomorrow night. I’ve mixed emotions. They live too far away and we don’t see them often.
    I relate to your story well, being subject to periodic migraines. However I refuse to believe they’re due to caffeine. In fact some migraine medicines contain caffeine. In any case I loved this little “love story.” I raise my cup. Cheers!


    • Thanks Rochelle. I’ve only been off the coffee for a few weeks and my one migraine in that time has coincided with the one time I fell off the caffeine-free wagon. So it’s not looking good for me and coffee. I miss it, though, so much!


  2. Oh I can identify with that. Nothing I love more than a great, rich, strong cup of coffee but more than two in a day and I’m sunk. Great take on the prompt. Enjoy your frazzled Friday.


  3. As a former migraine sufferer, I LOVED this piece! Thankfully, since having children, I no longer get headaches from almost every good food under the sun. Go figure… Anyhow, this was a great story, perfectly written!


    • I love the words ‘former migraine sufferer’ – how do I become one of those? I didn’t have migraines until after I hit 40 – and I already have enough children so I’m not going down that route! Glad you enjoyed my story 🙂


  4. Well, you got me on this one! My mind was racing while I read, wondering what it was going to be… didn’t realize it was in the Stained Glass all the time. Very Original.


  5. Oh, so nicely done–smooth and robust with meaning. You are a word barista.

    We have some Turkish delight here, too, as well as a number of cookies and chocolates made by yours truly. Gifts and other things are still strewn all over but thankfully we’re still enjoying the entire family here for today yet. As for mindless TV, we haven’t had any of that, but we did indulge in the movie “Star Trek” and the first disc (just over 3 hours) of Battlestar Galactica, both gifts to Bill. Later today, we’re off to Hobbiton and journeying to spar with Smaug. Lovely!!

    Happy New Year!



    • Oh Ron, you’ve listed three main causes of migraines there: coffee, chocolate and cheese – luckily I’ve only had to forgo the coffee so far and that seems to have done the trick. Not sure I could turn my back on chocolate…
      Thanks for your lovely comments 🙂


  6. This is very clever! Great work. You kept me guessing till the last line and then when it unfolded it was just mind-blowing (pun intended).
    Superb! One of the finest this week.


  7. Really nice story! I loved it. Sorry about the migraines. I used to get them also, from food allergies. I had to give up chocolate, milk and stuff like that. So far not my coffee. I would die without my coffee. I don’t get migraines anymore thank goodness. One the past 10 years, so I’m doing good. Hope yours gets better.


  8. Dear El,

    Here’s hoping you remain free of the Mistresses ministrations. Don’t wish migraines on anyone. Lovely story couched as a possible daliance and revealed to be a painful mistake.




  9. Hmm.. Mistress Migraine eh? She sounds dangerous! I liked the spin on this…more of a mistress of pain than pleasure, though the pleasure definitely comes before the pain. Such is life. I love the forbidden love affair as well, it draws one in. Maybe, instead of in that last bit saying “as I took the first sip”…draw the tension out a bit further saying something like “even as her warmth caressed my mouth” or something of the sort so it remains risque and the punchline is left to the very last words….?? Just a thought. 😉


  10. Thanks Tony. I love a bit of constructive criticism – funny enough, I did think about keeping people hanging on to the last line before I revealed who/what I was really talking about, but I decided it would be better to give them a hint of what was going on a bit earlier so it wasn’t too much of a shock!


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