Friday Fiction – Maud and the Beer Historian

It’s Friday again! I’ve spent the whole week decluttering the house and seem to have accidentally tidied up my hilarity, so no big laughs this week. Instead I thought I’d try something different. Hope you like it (I’m not sure if I do.)

In other news, my internet connection is still rubbish, so sorry that I haven’t read a lot of posts recently. I have them all stashed away in my inbox waiting for a time when trying to connect is less frustrating. I did manage to read last week’s Fictioneers and I will persevere again this week.

For those who don’t know, Friday Fictioneers is a challenge to write a 100 word story from a picture prompt. It’s hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, and anyone can play. Thanks for hosting, Rochelle! Check out the link at the end of my story to see what other fictioneers did with this week’s prompt.


Copyright-Janet Webb
Copyright-Janet Webb

Maud and the Beer Historian

This is the tale of Maud who adored Dorian, the beer historian. Dor was in awe. They bought a barn full of charm, but the cash Maud had stashed wasn’t enough for all the stuff she desired.

Maud saved for an Aga, while Dorian drank lager. She painted fences, while Dor lost his senses in a barrel of hops.

Maud bored with the barn’s charm over the years, and sampled Dor’s beers, discovering a taste for a barley-based ale. There ends this tale, with Dor and his amour drinking, and the late summer sun sinking behind the white picket fence.

The End

(100 words)


Need more Friday Fiction? Click the blue frog to read more stories from other fictioneers!

43 thoughts on “Friday Fiction – Maud and the Beer Historian

  1. Interesting take El. I read it twice and each time I smiled. It’s cute. I have been wondering where you got yourself off to. Hope your internet gets better soon.


    • Thanks Jackie. I’m still not sure that I like it that much but it was fun to do! More fun than watching my internet light flicker on and off on my laptop anyway! Just about struggled through this week’s offerings, but commenting was too hard. If the internet goes off while I’m commenting I lose the whole comment – arrgh who’d have thought I’d be so dependent on this modern technology. I’m off to buy a notebook and pen (and maybe some stamps) 🙂


      • I sure hope you get your internet straightened out soon. That has got to suck! Notebook, pen?? and stamps! Hey I’ll be the first in line for one of those letter thingies if you decide to go that route. 😉


  2. (Calling out to the others) E.L. is here, we can start the party now. Your poor thing, having to fight internet all the time. So glad you stuck with it and brought this over to us in the U.S.


    • Hi Joe
      You’re so lovely, thank you! I’m hoping my new router will arrive this week and solve all my problems – so I’ll be rich, successful and fit when we meet up again next Friday 😀
      (or maybe just my internet will be fixed)


      • If a new router brings so many riches perhaps I should grab one as well. Just kidding. I truly enjoy your offering and it seemed wrong not to see you as part of the collection of writers.


  3. I liked the way you worked in the rhymes even though you didn’t write it as poetry. I’m decluttering, too, and it takes a lot of time (and in my case, lots of dust, as I’m in the basement.)

    Enjoy the weekend,



  4. Love the poetic style of your writing… and the drinking and the sunset, and Maud and Dorian!
    Dreamlike. Very nice. Glad you could make it despite the hassles.
    It was totally worth the read.


  5. That was a bit of a change. Nicely done. My husband used to be a bit of an ale buff till I said ‘enough’. 🙂 Sorry about your internet, nothing is more frustrating


    • Thanks Sandra. The beer historian was something I heard on a Radio 4 programme – I thought it would be a fantastic job to have, and as it was Friday I had to find a way to work it into my FF story!


    • Thanks Rochelle. Glad I made you chucke! I think my problem with it is precisely that it isn’t one thing or the other. If I’d written a poem or a limerick I’d have probably been happier. I’m done decluttering now, so next week I’ll have more time to focus.
      thanks for your lovely comment.


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