Pushing Up Daisies

Greta knelt in the flowerbed admiring the exquisite white daisies, they were truly spectacular this year. She was famed for her green fingers, friends joked that she could plant anything and make it grow: shoes, umbrellas, even money (she tried – no joy).

Greta was rarely allowed to buy seeds; her husband kept a tight hold on the purse strings, and on his wife’s strings. He enjoyed making her dance. Until she snapped and he found himself on the receiving end of her hefty garden spade.

Who knew he’d make such excellent fertilizer? Greta inhaled the daisy’s heady fragrance and smiled.

(100 words)

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

 I’m a day late this week. Busy, busy, busy! The picture made me think of an umbrella tree, and my story sprouted from there 🙂

Click the link below to see what other Friday Fictioneers did with the prompt, or click here to head over to Rochelle’s place and join in.