Friday Fiction: The Boy On The Bicycle


Copyright - Danny Bowman
Copyright – Danny Bowman

The Boy On The Bicycle

His mother drummed it into him from an early age, waggling her finger to drive the point home:

–          If you get lost, you call me. Doesn’t matter where you are, I’ll find you.

And now he was lost. Very lost. And he wanted his mummy. But most of the callboxes were too high for someone of his stature. He wasted hours leaping in futile attempts to knock the handset off the cradle, while passersby jeered and called him fugly.

The truth was, if that boy on the bicycle hadn’t shown up, ET would never have managed to phone home.

(100 words)


For those who don’t know, Friday Fictioneers is a challenge to write a 100 word story from a picture prompt. It’s hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, and anyone can play. Thanks for hosting, Rochelle! Check out the link below to see what other fictioneers did with this week’s prompt.

This week’s photo is courtesy of Danny Bowman

I’m away for a few days in an internet-free (and hopefully stress-free) environment, so won’t be able to reply to comments until I return, but please don’t let that stop you from telling me what you think. I love constructive criticism. In fact, I love all comments!

Did you see it coming? Comment ‘You lose, EL!’ in the comments box below 😀

Need more Friday Fiction? Click the blue frog to read more stories from other fictioneers!

21 thoughts on “Friday Fiction: The Boy On The Bicycle

  1. I really, honestly didn’t see that one coming. If there was a competition for most unexpected punch line (that nonetheless makes sense, I think this would win it. In fact, at first I was confused and thought the boy had then ridden into the woods on his bike and met ET there but that’s mostly because I was remembering bits of the film and making my own assumptions, not because of anything you’d worded wrong. I love writing that makes us look at an event we know about (real or fictional) from a different perspective and this certainly did that. Well done! Enjoy your break and come back with more tasty morsels.


  2. Nope, didn’t see it coming. You win. I always enjoy coming here to see what you’ve served up for our funny fare. Once again, I went away replete.

    Have a wonderful bit of down time.



  3. This is great, I was incensed that passersby would call the child ‘fugly’, and then you totally caught me off guard in the last line! 😉 Love it!


  4. Get back here right now!! Kidding….enjoy your down time! 😉 I didn’t see it coming as many didn’t. You are always full of surprises. Can you believe I never saw the whole movie?? Truth!


  5. LOL. Nope, didn’t see it coming. ET’s mum comes across as a lovely and caring woman/ alien/ you know what I mean.


  6. You are of the same generation as me. I can remember trepidation when I saw the trailer to E.T. because it seemed a potentially scary film. Boy was i wrong. It is an American cinema classic and E.T. phone home will always be remembered.


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